Saturday, April 25, 2009

Simple ways to lose weight..

A very common problem in our society today is obesity which most women are very careful or conscious about. Not to mention particularly in our middle age and we want to feel healthy and look good. Many of us are looking how to maintain and keep our shape. Some are trying to take diet pills, foods, drinks, and so on. It works for some but if you stop using you will go back from where you started. The effect of this vary depends on each individuals.

Here are some simple ways to help lose weight:

1. Have a goal

2. Discipline yourself (this includes the food you intake.)

3. Eat six times a day (this includes mid snacks. Fruits)

4. Eat right amount of food.

5. Make exercise as a daily habit or routine. (Walking.)

6. Drink a lot of fluids. (Water, juice, tea, or flavored water that is available in all grocery stores.)

This works really well and you'll notice the result.


  1. Allo Nance,
    This has been a problem for me since my last year of high school. It is still an ongoing battle. In 2004, I even tried the Atkins diet and I have lost about 40 lbs but it made me sick because of the high protein/high fat. The biggest misconception though that people seem to point to chubby people like me is that we eat too much. That's not always the case, but speaking for myself - my problem is skipping meals. I don't usually eat breakfast and lunch, which is the biggest culprit. But I completely agree with you. Plus motivation is a big factor.

  2. good thing... I have a very fast metabolism.. yeah... I can eat as much as I want..

    btw, I added you already on my blogroll.

    Thanks for the add.. ')


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